Tuesday, August 07, 2007

AVVO.com - need a lawyer for content protection

Disc Duplication has come under fire lately with the
explosion of Pirates an the out-right stealing of content.

The more established providers have taken the next
step by introducing a Intellectual Property Rights (I.P.R.)form.
This basically puts the burden of proof back on the author.
Which begs the question - do I need a lawyer?
If so where/how to look for one?

Sure enough there are numerous sources you can use
in obtaining contacts for such service. But what about
getting some additional information to help you evaluate
who is good or available to address your needs?


Welcome to AVVO.com. From the northwest corner
comes a new service or with hesitation "rating" portal.
Here not only are basic credentials listed but (too the
dismay of many attorneys) the ugly side if any.

Our involvement with a local Bar Association, an noted
blogger Mazyar Hedayat, Esq,

AVVO.com comes to us normal people courtesy of
forward thinking individuals who's success is well
noted: Expedia.com, Classmates Online, Zillow.com,
Netflix, Hotels.com. Making it easier for consumers
to navigate a particular market for services/goods.

Artists generally work with a natural gene: EGO.
Well rest assured folks you have met your match - Lawyers.
The hail storm that started in Seattle has criss-crossed
this country with lighting speed. The concept consumer's
could comment on one's ability which could effect a "rating"
of a fellow peer or more to the point influence you, the
cavalry circled the wagons.

Avvos recent blog postings point out the growth there
site is achieving. Along with the "acceptance" among
users in adding positive comments about there legal
representation. Which runs contrary to held fears which the
legal bloggers have expressed. This revolutionary concept
needs our support.

The commentary attacking AVVO.com bordered
on the concept "consumers don't know any better".
well if that's the case, we should embrace the service.
Regardless, AVVO's team is pressing forward, get
this MARK BRITTON is a lawyer.

Mr Smith didn't go to Washington, he's in Seattle.


Anonymous said...

John, thanks for the post. We are doing our best to bring this information to the people who need it most. Its great to hear from the marketplace that we are on the right track.

-Conrad from Avvo

John Feeney (Bluegil) said...

Not a problem Conrad, artist have been dealing with Copy Rights since inception of digital downloads.

It is a hot topic of discussion among many. Like most finding representation can be a challenge, your service addresses this from the consumers point of view.

We here only see the positive influence your making on this particular market or service need.

As a duplicator we're caught right in the middle, we have to scan all material to ensure "We" are not part of the "Pirate" scene.